High Level Training by USAV Coaches
INCLUDES - our VAST program
Classes offered 4 days a week
10:1 Player Coach Ration
Start Today
This program, guided by our national level coaches, provides an ideal opportunity for your child to perfect their skills and confidence as they get ready for club volleyball tryouts.
Put in the work and get ready to make a team.
Without Pressure of a League Team
Join Volleyball School - Level 1
Classes offered 5 days a
We teach them to improve ball control, pass consistently, get their serve over, Hitting, Setting.
Classes offered 5 days a week
Affordable - Classes as low as 12.50
10:1 Player Coach Ration
Start Today
This coach-led program is the perfect way to help your son or daughter build basic volleyball skills and gain confidence without the pressure of game play.
Volleyball School Level 1 teaches all of the core skills and prepares players for joining a team in a constructive environment.
Vertical, Agility,Strength Training (VAST) included in every class
1 Class Pass
Gain Confidence
Learn Core Skills
Improve Agility
4 Class Passes
Gain Confidence
Learn Core Skills
Improve Agility
8 Class Passes
Gain Confidence
Learn Core Skills
Improve Agility
All Club Prep Classes
Learn Ball Control
Improve Passing
Develop Serve
Develop Hitting
Develop Setting
Improve Agility
Build Confidence